Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thank you to My Sweet Husband!!!

Russell surprised me with this BEAUTIFUL flower arrangement and balloon for my birthday on Monday!! I'd been out visiting with a girlfriend, and I came home to find this {and a manicure/pedicure gift certificate} on our kitchen counter!! I admit, I'm bragging on my husband, but I can't help it. He's truly an amazing man, husband and daddy! I love him and praise the Lord for him! Truly, just as Scripture says, "Every good and perfect gife IS from above!"

"Thank you, again, Honey!!! You made my birthday such a sweet day!!"


Britney said...

happiest of bdays to you! you're adorable. nice job Russell!

Darby said...

Yay! Way to go Russell. Can you tell I'm just now catching up on blogs!? I love you!! Hope it was a beautiful day!!!