For those of you that know Shireen know that she consistently gives so much for me. I couldn't ask for a more supportive and complimentary wife. Having said that, many of you know that Shireen has never had much desire to do the whole 'homemaking' thing. Don't get me wrong. We work well together at keeping the house, doing the chores, caring for Rhys, etc. But to decorate, entertain, to hostess fine dining, etc. The whole fru-fru thing is simply not something she has really cared for.
She has always offered to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner for me. I nearly always accept. But like many of us we focus on the task, not the presentation, normally opting for the path of least resistance, cutting corners, just accomplishing the task in a nitty-gritty kind of way. Shireen is no different....until now.
She recently borrowed a book by Edith Schaeffer called "The Hidden Art of Homemaking". I'm loving it!! We've gone from breakfast, a simple omelet and toast to this:
This morning I come in from a run and begin loading my car for the day's work. Shireen offers to fix breakfast. I accept. Later she calls me in for breakfast. Instead of the usual omelet and juice there before me is a work of art! She not only went the extra mile to add hash browns (one of my favorites) but cherries too. More than that she intentionally spruced things up with a place mat and candles. Wow, she outdoes herself.
Being raised in south Louisiana I've picked up a few words that are not so common outside that area. One is 'lagniappe'. It simply means something extra. Most people would explain it by saying the 13th donut in a baker's dozen is lagniappe. Offering just a little more, giving an added value above the standard makes all the difference in the world.
Thank you Shireen for giving a little extra! It's great to be so loved!
Take time today to offer lagniappe in whatever it is that you'll do.