Rhys is a HUGE fan of solids!!! Yay!!! We started him out on rice cereal, mixed with apple juice and water a couple of weeks ago. Last Saturday, we moved to prunes, which he seems to like...
Yum!! :) I've tasted them, too, and they're actually really good!
This sweet boy is even learning to hold his own bottle of formula AND he's being 'obedient' when Mommy says, "No, Rhys. Keep your hands to your sides," when he reaches for the spoon of food coming to his mouth. I'm amazed at how fast and how much babies can learn! I never would have thought Rhys would understand 'yes' and 'no,' right from wrong this early, but he does, and I'm learning to be proactive in teaching him manners and good habits. It's a challenge, but it's been encouraging when I witness the sweet obedience.
P.S. I had no idea that Russell was recording this video, but I'm thankful that he did...I love to watch little Rhys work that little mouth and tongue as he learns to eat! How cute!! :)
Rhys, You are precious! Keep eating your fruits and veggies and you'll be a big strong man!!! We're so proud of you!
Our motto is, "If you don't wear it, it wasn't good." It looks like all that food your mommy and daddy are feeding you is pretty good! Keep up the good eatin!
I miss ya'll soooo much!
I love the video!!!! & I Love to see Rhy's studying you while you are feeding him!....You are getting so big Rhy's. We love you!
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