Well, I called Russell, maybe 10 minutes after he left for PT. His phone went to voice mail TWICE!! I left him messages, letting him know that I was fairly certain that I was in labor and contracting. He called me back several minutes later {his phone had been on vibrate}, and I told him that my contractions were as close as 5 or 6 minutes apart, I'd already called the hospital to let them know I was coming in, I was packing last minute things into our hospital bags - in between major contractions! - and I was needing him home NOW! I wasn't really that 'firm' with him, but I was speaking as lovingly as possible, considering the pain I was in!!! He was home by 4:30ish. He loaded up everything, including Rhys, then, he found me on the floor on my hands and knees, trying to get through another contraction so that I could get myself into the van. Russell was AWESOME!!! He put on his emergency flashers and made a 10 minute trip in 5 minutes! We got to the hospital, and I won't go into detail, but it was the most painful experience I've ever had...labored for two hours before an anesthesiologist showed up. I went from wanting to punch his lights out for being so LATE to wanting to kiss his feet for giving me that spinal and making the pain go AWAY!!! Hooray!!! It was smooth sailing from there!
One c-section later, Caleb arrived, just as beautiful and healthy as could be, and we've been a family of four ever since! :) And I have to make mention that both Russell and Rhys were SOOOOO good through the whole thing! Russell held Rhys in one arm and offered me his other hand the entire time of laboring! Rhys just watched all that drama and did fine. We had nowhere else to take him, but I remember thinking (while sweating, screaming, breathing and TRYING to NOT push) that God prepared Rhys for this morning, is giving him such a sweet composure through all the drama and will surely protect his sweet mind from remembering anything too terrifying. Rhys did so great, and I know we needed that! "Thank YOU, Lord!!"
And, Ashley, do you recognize the red onesie below? :)
A proud Papa!!
And I canNOT get over how BIG Rhys is next to Caleb! He's so LONG and even HEAVY {only at 24 lbs!} compared to Caleb's light-weight 7lbs. This boy is CHUGGING some milk, recently! Just yesterday, he had at least 30 oz throughout the day, and he's eating all of his Grandmom's good, home-cooked meats and veggies! Thankfully, there's enough left over to freeze and serve for several more of his meals! I'm taking notes on how to cook such yummy veggies so that I can get Rhys to eat them! :) "Thank you for the cooking tips, Grandmom!" :)
We are doing great! Russell's been training everyday, even while I was in the hospital. He's ready for a weekend to rest and experience our current family. He's home in the evenings and is amazing with Rhys, Caleb and with helping me, even as tired as I know he has to be!! I've transitioned well in feeding Caleb and taking good care of him, while also spending intentional time with Rhys so that he adjusts to the 'newness.' However, next week will be my first week without help, so I'm already praying toward that transition to be smooth, as easy as possible and that the Lord would give me supernatural energy and motivation. It's going to be difficult in the midst of the transition. I'm sure that each day will be different from the next, but God has allowed us this gift of life at this time of life, and we're all thankful and know full well that HE will carry us through it in such a way that HE is glorified!
We do praise HIS name for this sweet season of life! If you feel led to pray for the coming week(s), I would appreciate it!
yay i had been checking my reader all the time for pictures but knew you were busy so i was just waiting. it was so great to hear the birthing story(sorry you had to go through all that pain) and to see the great pics of caleb. i just cant wait to meet him!!!!! way to go rhys for being such a big boy and for eating your veggies. i have been and will continue to be praying for yalls transition and especially your time on your own starting soon. you may just have to wear your baby bjorn all day long to get things done and play with rhys but it will be totally worth it(i have mine on right now with luke in it!)
praying for you! i loved your story. i think it's wonderful that rhys was there with you the whole time. you think about years and years ago, that's probably exactly how labor/delivery looked. Kids running around the house, people in and out. Thankfully, we now have hospitals, anesthesiologists and doctors to help us! :) but having your WHOLE family there is so amazing! glad russell did such a good job taking care of you.
glad everything went well. hope you have a great weekend and that next week isn't too hard. just don't plan on getting out of your pjs :)!!! you can do it!
Shireen, You're a STRONG woman! I loved reading this and marveled at how you managed the rest of the time at the hospital without Russell. That must have been so hard. Thank the Lord for his sweet parents who dropped everything to come and help you! I know those extra hands are so needed that first week, and even more so with a toddler in the house. Hope you get plenty of rest and heal up soon! We're looking forward to your return!!!!! Love, Katie
congratulations you guys! he is beautiful (and looks a lot like his brother!). happy to hear how the lord took care of all the details for you.
I will definitely be praying for you in the next few weeks as you transition...I know it will be exhausting, but the Lord will give you the strength that you need each and every day. You are an amazing mom to those 2 beautiful little boys. Caleb is absolutely precious, and I think he looks a lot like Rhys. Thanks for posting the pictures! We cannot wait to meet Caleb!
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