Friday, September 23, 2011

Potty Training "Lock In"

Just over two weeks ago, we had what I'll call a "potty training lock" in at home! Daddy left for drill on Friday am and was gone until Sunday pm. The boys and I did not leave the house from Thursday afternoon until the next week! It was a LONG weekend, but I knew that the Lord was leading us into that weekend to potty train Rhys, so we stocked up on candy, juice, underwear and pulled out the portable potty and were off!

Sweet Russell even set a stop watch to go off every 20 minutes as a reminder for me to TELL (not ask) Rhys to go to the potty. The intervals changed to every 30 minutes the next day...every 20 minutes felt like we were ONLY pottying all day long...seems like the process of getting his underwear off, sitting him on the potty, 'doing his business,' pulling up the undies, washing hands, rinsing the potty, getting candy, etc. lasted 20 minutes! Then, it was time to do it all over again! :) And all that with another toddler literally hanging on me just about the entire time!!! {Caleb is at a very clingy stage...of course, only clingy for MOMMY! :)} So, the extra 10 minutes was nice for Mommy!

Long story short - and not short of PRAISES TO OUR LORD!!! -Rhys is officially potty trained! He wears 'nap-time' and 'night-time underwear' during nap and night-time sleep, but it's only underwear during the day! Woohoo!!! This Mommy is SO thankful and truly in awe of what our bodies are so capable of being trained to do! With lots of prayer (for my patience!! :)), time, practice and rewards, potty training is totally do-able!

During our potty training time, we made the MOST of whatever we could find to do inside and outside of the house...

4-wheelin' in the wee hours of the mornin' into the dawn... (potty breaks in the grass! :))
A little rain didn't stop this determined little fella...
Playing with trucks inside... (donning the new undies, of course!!)

{I love to watch him try to figure things out. :)}
Caleb joined in all the fun...Here, he's fixated on a movie, while Rhys and Mommy are focused on the goal at hand! :)
Spent a LOT of time outside! Here, on the deck...
Caleb eating graham crackers, while keeping us company.
And Daddy's been a big helper since he's been home from drill and work trips.
Whew! I will say that I still pray when we go out to run errands and on school days, asking that the Lord would continue to help Rhys 'get' the concept of using ONLY the potty, not his underwear, when he needs to relieve himself. God has blessed the prayers, the consistent & constant trips to the potty and all the help from Rhys' teachers, Pappa & Grandmom while they've been visiting and other friends. It's been a good journey!

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