Sunday, January 24, 2010
The Birthday Party
Friday, January 22, 2010
Happy Birthday, Rhys!!!
I don't mind...we have stairs at home, which he is now climbing, and it's got to be great exercise for him! I love to wear him out so that he plays hard, then rests hard {and looooooong}! :)
Since the weather's been SO gorgeous {sunnier and warmer!!!} this week, we pulled out this swing, which could easily relax and entertain Rhys for hours!
This child will gnaw on ANYthing! He's ruining his crib, so I'm going to have to buy a plastic or rubber cover to protect the wood. I am, however, thankful that he's gotten his 3rd {yes, only his 3rd} tooth in! Maybe he'll eat more solids, now??? He just needs more variety, but I can't force him. Maybe in time he'll develop a taste for something other than strawberry yogurt, applesauce and goldfish. :)
Rhys had his one-year pediatrician visit, and he's grown over 3 inches in height! His dr. measured him a second time to confirm the length, then, he laughed and said, "Wow! This boy's had a growth spurt!" I could tell he had outgrown his 9-month clothes SUPER FAST! So, that was encouraging news. He weighs in at 21 lbs, 9 oz! So, he's growing and developing nice and steadily. We praise the Lord!
So, happy FIRST birthday to you, Rhys! Daddy & Mommy love you!
More birthday fun to come!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Family Tradition
Russell got his first rifle at three days old, when his parents brought him home from the hospital. Daddy figured it was time to bring Rhys into the firearms tradition. No worries...he'll need several years before Daddy trains him on using it. It is LOCKED up and unavailable to little curious hands!
A Memorable Visit
Happy 2010!!